Rockefeller Archive Center Documentation

Documentation Site Guide | Using GitHub

Using GitHub

A GitHub repository is a central storage space to save all the files associated with a set of documentation, and where all of the versions of those files can be accessed. Each set of documentation will be added to its own GitHub repository, which will be leveraged by the docs-build repository to create the website.

To add and manage files in a GitHub repository, become familiar with the principles of version control and Git. Here are some helpful outside resources to get started:

A Visual Introduction to Git. A visual guide from Ashley Keller.

Understanding the GitHub Flow. GitHub guide to the basic workflow

Learn Git. Code Academy course to learn the basics of the Git workflow

A Beginner’s Guide to Git — How to Write a Good Commit Message. Short post on the basics of writing meaningful commit messages.

Get Started with GitHub

To work with GitHub:

  1. Create or have an existing GitHub account. Sign up for GitHub.
  2. Send the username to a member of the Digital Strategies Team to add the new user as a member to the RAC GitHub Organization.
  3. Work with GitHub in one of three ways: directly in the browser, locally using GitHub Desktop, or from the command line: