Rockefeller Archive Center Documentation

RAC Archivematica | Set up for Transfer

Transfer Structure

Archivematica requires a directory structure that is compliant with Archivematica’s SIP directory structure for the following types of transfers:

  • transfers with multiple versions of digitized files
  • transfer with metadata, such as an archivesspaceids.csv or rights.csv
  • transfers with manually normalized files
  • transfers with submission documentation

As these are the vast majority of our use cases, all transfers ingested into Archivematica should be in a structured directory. A structured directory includes the following subdirectories:

  • objects: The /objects directory contains the digital objects that are to be preserved. This can contain subdirectories.
  • metadata: The /metadata directory will eventually contain the checksum and the METS file. At the point of transfer, the /metadata directory contains the ArchivesSpace IDs CSV and the PREMIS CSV.
  • logs: The /logs directory will eventually contain logs generated when processing the transfer in Archivematica.

The following directory structure examples are for Standard Transfers, which will be used the majority of the time. Transfers can also be zipped or unzipped bags, in which case all subdirectories should be in the /data directory.

Note that transfers that originated in Aurora are structured for Archivematica ingest in the Fornax microservice.


Digitized Material

Note that the service directory is optional and should only be used if there are mezzanine TIFFs.

Access format: concatenated PDF
Access format: JPGs

Legacy Born Digital

With Manually Normalized Files
Without Manually Normalized Files

Transfer Metadata

Generally, one metadata file is included in RAC transfers. This is:

  • rights.csv: This file contains PREMIS rights information that is included in the METS file in the AIP. This information is also used in the ArchivesSpace DIP upload integration. This file is created by the Fornax microservice.
objects/access/examplerefid.PDF examplerefid


PREMIS rights information is included in the METS file in the AIP and is used to write information to ArchivesSpace as part of the ArchivesSpace DIP Upload Integration. For details on how PREMIS rights information is mapped to ArchivesSpace, see the Appendix. In order to include rights information with the transfer, a rights.csv file must be included in the /metadata directory of the transfer. For digitized transfers, the rights.csv should include files in the /objects directory, including (if applicable) the multipage PDF file.


file basis status determination_date jurisdiction start_date end_date terms citation note grant_act grant_restriction grant_start_date grant_end_date grant_note doc_id_type doc_id_value doc_id_role
r2fp9q4b_004.tif copyright copyrighted 3/15/18 us 1/1/00 open     Copyright note publish Allow 1/1/00 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_004.tif donor       1/1/90 open     Donor note disseminate Allow 1/1/90 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_001.tif copyright copyrighted 3/15/18 us 1/1/00 open     Copyright note publish Allow 1/1/00 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_001.tif donor       1/1/90 open     Donor note disseminate Allow 1/1/90 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_002.tif copyright copyrighted 3/15/18 us 1/1/00 open     Copyright note publish Allow 1/1/00 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_002.tif donor       1/1/90 open     Donor note disseminate Allow 1/1/90 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_003.tif copyright copyrighted 3/15/18 us 1/1/00 open     Copyright note publish Allow 1/1/00 open Grant note      
r2fp9q4b_003.tif donor       1/1/90 open     Donor note disseminate Allow 1/1/90 open Grant note      

Processing Configuration

The processing configuration administration page of the dashboard allows users to configure the job decision points presented by Archivematica during transfer and ingest. This is set in the administration tab. A processing configuration file can be included with a transfer that is ingested either via the Dashboard or the automated pipeline; if included, it will override the configuration set as the “default” in the dashboard. To create a processing configuration file, download the processing configuration from the Dashboard, and include it as processingMCP.xml in the top-level directory of the transfer.

Transfer Source

Transfers must be placed in the Transfer Source in order to be ingested (either manually or automatically) into Archivematica. More information on the Transfer Source can be found in the Storage Service documentation. This is handled by the Fornax microservice.