Rockefeller Archive Center Documentation

Rockefeller Archive Center Guide to Using Archivematica

This is the Rockefeller Archive Center’s local documentation for Archivematica. Archivematica is an integrated suite of tools to process digital objects from ingest to archival storage and access in compliance with the OAIS functional model and other digital preservation standards and best practices. We use Archivematica as an integrated piece of our automated digital infrastructure, and as such this documentation is primarily related to documenting Archivematica’s expectations for SIPs, its settings, and troubleshooting.

  • Set up for Transfer: How to structure a transfer directory, what metadata needs to be included in a transfer, and the location to move the transfer so that Archivematica can start ingest.
  • Administration: Details on the settings in the Dashboard’s Administration tab, storage service settings, and system troubleshooting.
  • Upgrading: Checklist for upgrading Archivematica to a new version.
  • Appendix: Details on the Processing Configuration for each content type and local configurations of the FPR, and upgrading checklist.

For system administration information, including IP addresses and logins, see the Archivematica Info Sheet.

For more information on Archivematica, see the Official Archivematica Documentation.